
Judging the Crouch Ministry

Your two-part expose (Sept. 19-20) of the disgraceful tactics used by Trinity Broadcasting Network to raise money in support of the lifestyle of its leaders, Paul and Jan Crouch, was welcome and long overdue. When I’ve driven past their church in Costa Mesa, I’ve wondered how people who claim to have a direct connection to God could have designed and built such a hideous monstrosity.

They say that “God works in strange ways,” but I’m pretty certain he never intended for these people to play Robin Hood in reverse, taking from the poor, old, sick and helpless and giving to the rich.

Steven Hendlin

Corona del Mar


I read your articles about Trinity Broadcasting Network and Paul Crouch.

They have been operating this way for 20-some years; why are you now doing reports on them?


If they were criminal, they would have been shut down a long time ago.

I am not a fan of the Trinity Broadcasting Network or Paul Crouch. But as a Christian I know that whether or not the stewards are faithful and true, the gift is to God. There are scams and there are scams.

Are you reporting this because of the homosexual allegations about Paul Crouch (Sept. 14)?

Thought so.

Gary Blinn



There is no doubt that Jan and Paul Couch have made a tremendous contribution to spreading the Gospel around the world.

However, Jan and Paul Crouch now need to do the right thing, which is sell off their excessive assets, i.e. homes/ranches, airplane, antiques, along with reducing their excessive salaries and return the money to their faithful prayer partners (one of which I am not) and get back to the basics of their original goals.


As a Christian, I am appalled at the goings-on of evangelist Jim Bakker, [faith healer] Benny Hinn and the Crouches, to name a few. These ministries, built on donated funds, should be held accountable to the donors for what they take in and what they put out.

I think that has now happened to Jan and Paul Crouch. I am very sad that they forgot who they were and got caught up in the business of doing business.

Lori Graham

Los Angeles


Re “TBN’s Promise: Send Money and See Riches,” Sept. 20: Shout it from the highest towers: Tax the church, tax the church, tax the church!


Dan Kagan

West Hollywood
