
Family’s Responsibility in 13-Year-Old’s Death

Re “Slain Boy’s Family Files Claim,” Feb. 23: It is regrettable that a 13-year-old boy was shot and killed by the LAPD, but why are only the police to blame for his death? If the boy, an unlicensed driver, had not been unlawfully driving a stolen vehicle, the police would not have been involved. Therefore, I consider the boy himself and his own actions to be the primary cause of his death, not the police.

What kind of parent would permit him to be out in the middle of the night instead of being at home in bed? If the parent had exercised her responsibility for parental control, the event might not have occurred.

I sometimes feel that the police or some other public agency is blamed for a tragic event to divert responsibility from those truly at fault.


W.H. Shallenberger



I am appalled by the filing of a claim by the family. It’s unfortunate that this boy was killed. But, has anyone asked the question, what’s a good 13-year-old boy doing driving around in a stolen car at 4 a.m.? Where was the parental supervision? If he was such a good boy, he should have known that stealing a car is not a good thing.

I say that if the family wins any compensation, it should donate the money to a nonprofit organization that will provide proper parental education. I try hard to teach my kids right from wrong. It’s time for this family to take responsibility for this kid’s action.

Mauricio Aranda

Los Angeles
