
Mexico and Its Treatment of Race

Re “Mexican Postage Stamp Pushes Racial Envelope,” June 30: I continue to be shocked and amazed at the disdain that people have toward African Americans. Was it not enough when the president of Mexico made his statement in May about African Americans? Now this!

The article stated that the stamps were nostalgic and were not meant to offend. However, to have your race historically depicted as shiftless, ignorant, big-mouth individuals is not nostalgia, it is a complete insult. This type of assault is not only unforgivable but beyond reproach. The constant berating of any race is not acceptable.

I will not go to Mexico again.

The unfortunate outcome of situations like this is that it breeds contempt and hatred, and broadens the gap between cultures. The social ramifications are overwhelming and I hope that other individuals will join me by not supporting a country that is so full of hatred toward a people that have struggled to forget past atrocities.


Kim Mittleman



Racism does exist in Mexico, and preconceived notions about race often come along with the immigrants who come to the U.S. I believe this is why many times we have racial tensions in L.A. One only need to watch Spanish-language television, or read personal ads in which many Latinos often describe themselves as being “light-skinned Latinos.” Being of a primarily indigenous background with an African mix (my grandmother was from Veracruz), I and my siblings would have never been able to achieve what we have had our parents stayed in Mexico.

Yes, we do have racial problems in this country, but at least we are able to talk about them, whereas in Mexico everyone pretty much knows their place in society by what shade their skin is.

Ruben Ovando

