
Scheer gets it wrong on China

Re “On China at least, Nixon was right,” Opinion, July 26

I can’t believe I’m disagreeing with Robert Scheer, whom I believe speaks for me in every article he writes. Not this time. Though I agree with his central argument that it’s hypocritical to string up the protectionist flag when China makes a bid for a U.S. company, I think his viewpoint abandons the very principle that makes him a champion of labor and workers’ rights.

Yes, communist China is doing exceptionally well at our game of capitalism, but at what cost? What cost to its unprotected workforce? What cost to our “soon-to-be-outsourced” workforce? Workers’ rights and human rights should be one and the same.

I’m sorry, Mr. Scheer, you may agree with George Bush and Richard Nixon on this one. I do not.


Mark Lavine

Los Angeles


Scheer conveniently leaves out an important detail about China’s bid for Unocal: that the company making the bid is 70% owned by the Chinese government. This further proves that trading with oppressive regimes only fills the pockets of those in power, allowing them to further their development of nuclear weapons and perhaps now to choke the world’s oil supply. Meanwhile, China’s citizens continue to starve. Maybe if we lift the Cuban embargo, Castro can make a bid for Chevron.

Jorge Bin

