
Moved by essays

THANK you from the bottom of my heart for whatever change in editorial policy which has allowed the publication of two deeply poetic essays that have moved me to tears. Oliver Mayer’s “The Redeeming Demon” (Aug. 14) seemed to channel the primal voice of the essence of drama. Rick Bass, in “Songs for a Daughter, Gifts From Strangers” (Aug. 28), brought us the excitement of the miracle of live music; he made me feel young again and happy to be middle-aged at the same time. I don’t remember reading such exquisitely written and emotionally direct essays in the Calendar section ever before.

The accompanying artwork in both cases -- by Joseph Daniel Fiedler and Yoko Tanaka, respectively -- was stunning in itself and complemented the essays beautifully.

I’m a professional singer and often accompany myself on guitar. Fiedler’s painting is the closest representation I’ve ever seen of what it feels like when I sing out of a deep, joyous place.



