
Cut bait and learn to love the outdoors

Re “Fishing’s Lure Lost on Young,” Column One, Feb. 13

I couldn’t be more thrilled that fishing is on the decline. How is inflicting violence on animals wholesome? How this cruel activity became a “family-friendly pastime” is beyond me. It’s one thing if you have no alternative and your survival depends on fishing, but it’s another to do it for fun.

I grew up fishing and hunting, so I’ve seen firsthand the suffering this causes. I’m sorry to say that I have caused it, too. I’ve stuck hooks through live fish to use them as bait. I’ve sawed off the heads of fish with a knife and disemboweled them. Even catch-and-release causes suffering and death.

Instead of teaching kids to hurt for fun, let’s teach them to love the outdoors by experiencing it peacefully and without violence. We could use less violence in our world.



Los Angeles
