

Rankings are based on a Times poll of Southland bookstores.

*--* SO. CAL. RATING Fiction 1 The Devil Wears Prada by Lauren Weisberger (Broadway: $13.95) A college grad enters fashion publishing.

2 The History of Love by Nicole Krauss (W.W. Norton: $13.95) A writer escapes the Nazis but loses his beloved.

3 Snow Flower and the Secret Fan by Lisa See (Random House: $13.95) Two women in 19th century China.


4 Saturday by Ian McEwan (Anchor: $14.95) A neurosurgeon’s day of struggle in post-Sept. 11 London.

5 The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon (Penguin: $15) A quest for the truth about a Spanish novelist.

6 The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini (Riverhead: $14) A writer returns to Kabul to rescue the son of a childhood friend.


7 Eleven on Top by Janet Evanovich (St. Martin’s: $7.99) A former client stalks bounty hunter Stephanie Plum.

8 4th of July by James Patterson and Maxine Paetro (Warner Vision: $9.99) A killer strikes in Half Moon Bay.

9 March by Geraldine Brooks (Penguin: $14) Imagining the Civil War experiences of Mr. March, father of the “Little Women.”


10 Angels & Demons by Dan Brown (Pocket: $9.99) A scholar uncovers a vendetta against the Roman Catholic Church.


*--* SO. CAL. RATING Nonfiction 1 An Inconvenient Truth by Al Gore (Rodale: $21.95) The former vice president cites the evidence for global warming.

2 Night by Elie Wiesel (Hill & Wang: $9) A teenager’s harrowing year spent in four concentration camps.

3 The Devil in the White City by Erik Larson (Vintage: $14.95) A serial killer haunts the 1893 Chicago World’s Fair.

4 Surfing’s Greatest Misadventures by Paul Diamond (Casagrande Press: $15.95) Harrowing tales from surfers.

5 Barkley: A Dog’s Journey by Al Martinez (Angel City Press: $14.95) A beloved spaniel’s last trip with his owners.


6 The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls (Scribner: $14) A memoir of breaking away from dysfunctional parents.

7 The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell (Back Bay: $14.95) How fads, trends and ideas behave like viruses in a society.

8 Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki with Sharon L. Lechter (TechPress/Warner: $16.95) Fiscal parenting.

9 The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz (Amber-Allen: $12.95) A code of conduct based on Toltec wisdom.

10 The Places in Between by Rory Stewart (Harvest: $14) A trek across post-Taliban Afghanistan.

