
End the excuses over King/Drew

Re “Race, politics and medical care,” Nov. 7

We must not consider Martin Luther King Jr./Drew Medical Center a “black hospital” but a “county hospital.” It seemed as though anytime someone made a negative observation about the hospital, he or she was immediately classified as a “racist.” Black leaders screamed for years that the hospital was underfunded and blamed the county Board of Supervisors. Come to find out, King/Drew actually received more money than any other hospital but squandered it and failed to meet minimum healthcare standards.

It’s time to put effective management at the hospital, get rid of the dead weight and look forward to the future. Let’s select a management team not on skin color but on qualifications and credentials. There should be no more excuses for this hospital. The area it serves needs a hospital it can trust. It’s about time.


Santa Clarita
