
In the family’s footsteps

Politics runs in the family for some people, including a number of candidates in last week’s U.S. Senate elections. Here’s how they fared.


Jack Carter (D)

Ran for: A Nevada seat held by incumbent John Ensign

Family ties: He is the eldest of President Carter’s four children.

Result: He lost.


Thomas H. Kean Jr. (R)

Ran for: A New Jersey seat held by incumbent Robert Menendez

Family ties: He is the son of a former New Jersey governor and has a long line of political relatives, beginning with Continental Congress member John Kean. His great-grandfather was a senator, and his grandfather was a congressman.

Result: He lost.


Harold Ford Jr. (D)

Ran for: An open seat in Tennessee

Family ties: His father, Harold Ford Sr., served as a representative from Tennessee for 22 years.


Result: He lost.


Mark Kennedy (R)

Ran for: An open seat in Minnesota

Family ties: He is one of four generations of Kennedys elected to public office in Minnesota. No relation to the Massachusetts Kennedys.

Result: He lost.


Robert Gerald Lorge (R)

Ran for: A Wisconsin seat held by incumbent Herb Kohl

Family ties: His father and brother served in Wisconsin’s state legislature.

Result: He lost.


Jon Kyl (R)

Ran for: Reelection in Arizona

Family ties: His father was Iowa Rep. John Henry Kyl.

Result: He won.


Ben Cardin (D)

Ran for: An open seat in Maryland

Family ties: His father and uncle served in Maryland’s state legislature, where he started his career.

Result: He won.


Edward M. Kennedy (D)

Ran for: Reelection in Massachusetts

Family ties: He is a member of America’s best-known political clan -- his brothers were President Kennedy and Sen. Robert F. Kennedy.


Result: He won.


Hillary Clinton (D)

Ran for: Reelection in New York

Family ties: Her husband is former President Clinton.

Result: She won.


Lincoln Chafee (R)

Ran for: Reelection in Rhode Island

Family ties: He was appointed to the seat held by his father, Sen. John Chaffee, after he died, and was reelected in 2000. His great-great-uncle also was a senator from Rhode Island.

Result: He lost.

