
Fresh out of pity

RAY LAMONTAGNE -- a reluctant troubadour [“A Reluctant Troubadour,” Nov. 5]? The notion is just ludicrous! If a music career is such a burden to him, he should stay home on his farm in Maine. No one is forcing him to do what he does. If he wanted to disappear forever, he has that option.

If being a songwriter is what he really wants out of life, he doesn’t have to tour. He could focus on writing and never have to leave the confines of his cabin (especially now that he has “a name”).

Please, you do musicians everywhere a huge disservice with articles like this. It’s offensive to everyone who busts his ass day after day and is thankful to have gigs. It undermines the hard work many musicians put forth.


The world doesn’t need another snot-nosed songwriter who bemoans his fate and complains about life on the road.


Los Angeles
