
Fond memories of the Cartwright

I just finished reading the article about where to stay in San Francisco [“The Chic Lowdown,” Sept. 3]. The Hotel Cartwright was included. That sent me searching through my scrapbook to see if I still had my receipts from 1952 and 1958. I did.

My husband and I married in October 1951 (all of 18 and 22 years of age). When he was transferred to Camp Pendleton before being shipped to Korea, I moved back to my parents’ home. When he was able to spend a weekend with me in San Francisco, we stayed at the Cartwright. I noticed on the receipt from 1958 that the hotel’s room rate by then had increased from $5 to $7 a night.

Even now at 73 old and widowed, I get a smile on my face at the memory.


