
A Kinky tribute to Molly Ivins

Re “Molly Ivins: She was ‘a truth-seeking missile’,” Current, Feb. 4

What is the purpose of The Times carrying Kinky Friedman’s tribute to Molly Ivins? Is it to apologize for not having carried her columns all these years, or is it to tease its readers by demonstrating what they have missed? I take it The Times will print a similar tribute about political cartoonist Paul Conrad when that sad day comes. Only in that instance, The Times’ failure will be worse, as Conrad was instrumental in lifting The Times from a mediocre regional paper into a force to be reckoned with. There are many talented writers available. Maybe not as good as Ivins, but far better than what is regularly printed in The Times.


Balboa Island


I was delighted to find the Friedman article eulogizing Ivins in The Times. It expresses, in typical Friedman style, such genuine loving sentiment. It brought tears to my eyes.


