
It was the cover-up, stupid

Re “It was Iraq, stupid,” Opinion, June 5

Rosa Brooks continues to perpetuate the biggest canard in modern political history: the difference between Hillary Clinton’s vote for the Iraq war and Barack Obama’s opposition. Obama was a civilian observer who was subjected to none of the pressure that Clinton was.

The biggest deception during the battle for the Democratic nomination was the obfuscation of Obama’s past, especially his poor judgment. He insisted that his judgment was superior to Clinton’s experience. That’s hard to tell by the companions he chose. For 20 years, he maintained his association with the Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr. Antoin “Tony” Rezko, who was just found guilty of federal corruption, virtually midwifed Obama’s political career. And then there’s William Ayers, a Weatherman leader.

Somehow this checkered past got buried while Clinton’s vote in favor of the war was repeated ad infinitum. It was the cover-up, stupid.


Sam Armato

Manhattan Beach
