
Crime and judgment

Re “The Lily’s Law flaw,” Opinion, Aug. 9

Celeste Fremon labors under the misimpression that California’s recidivism rate is attributable to the Legislature’s wholly appropriate attempt to mollify a justifiably frustrated public. What Fremon sees as unintended consequences, many in the public see as appropriate protective measures.

When “three strikes” first became law in California, an early case involving the theft of food by a gang member from very frightened children generated predictable “outrage” from advocacy groups and citizens living in communities generally unaffected by gangs. It wasn’t explained to the apologists that these so-called minor offenses destroy quality of life and are often a harbinger of more serious crimes to come.

Jeffrey P. Meyer

Clearwater, Fla.


Fremon’s article demonstrates that governments act primarily reactively and not proactively. Query: Was God acting reactively or proactively when he give Moses the Ten Commandments?


Dan Herscher

Los Angeles
