
QUICK TAKES - Jan. 3, 2009

When Saul Levine turned classical music station KMZT-AM into talk outlet KGIL-AM (1260) 14 months ago, he said the theme of the station “is going to be the word ‘balanced.’ ” Not anymore.

Starting Monday, liberal morning host Ed Schultz will be gone, and the KGIL weekday lineup will feature conservative hosts Laura Ingraham (6-9 a.m.), Glenn Beck (9 a.m.-noon), Monica Crowley (noon-3 p.m.), Michael Savage (3-5 p.m.) and Lars Larson (5-7 p.m.). Only Alan Colmes, airing from 7 to 10 p.m., will offer a left-of-center perspective.

Also being dropped in the station’s ongoing effort to generate some ratings heat is the year-old health show hosted by Dr. Drew Pinsky.


-- Lee Margulies
