
New rules in war on terror

Re “Obama swiftly sets course,” Jan. 22

In just a few days, President Obama has reversed anti-democratic Bush administration policies by banning torture, ordering the closing of Guantanamo Bay and secret prisons, reopening presidential records, reviving the Freedom of Information of Act, promoting governmental transparency and restricting the influence of lobbyists.

It’s as if Superman circled the world, reversing time, to revive his first love. This time, democracy.

Bob Ladendorf

Los Angeles


Obama jump-starts his presidency by announcing the closing of Guantanamo just two days after he warned killers and terrorists, “we will defeat you.” He wants to fight a war on terrorism consistent with American ideals and goals. With this rhetoric, he is making the same crucial mistake his predecessor made -- America is not in a war with terrorists, it is in a fight to the death with militant Islam.


As for potentially releasing jihadists at Gitmo, so be it. It is clear these detainees are only following the teachings of their prophet that implore Muslims to kill nonbelievers. Guantanamo will be closed, and future jihadists destroying Western civilization will have the right to remain silent if captured. Freedom of religion will thrive. And the overthrow of America will be nearer.

Harry Heath

