
Conflict, and Conrad

First, a personal note. My condolences to the family of former Los Angeles Times cartoonist Paul Conrad, a true giant of our ink-stained trade. Paul never shied from speaking his mind; he was widely admired, deservedly decorated and will be long missed.

On to the cartoons. Last week, I showcased American cartoonists’ reaction to the drawdown in Iraq. Now, some views from the rest of the world. Paresh Nath, of the United Arab Emirates, connected the economic dots. Israel’s Moshik Lin rolled out a defeatist attitude. But Austria’s Petar Pismestrovic went even further, declaring a hands-down terrorist victory. Or is that a peace sign?

-- Joel Pett

Joel Pett is the Pulitzer Prize-winning cartoonist for the Lexington Herald-Leader in Kentucky. His work also appears in USA Today.
