
Another literary longlist announced: The Scotiabank Giller Prize

Canada has a big literary prize coming up too, you know
(Gary Friedman / Los Angeles Times)

Oh, Canada.

This week, we have four days of National Book Award longlists, and there’s a big, possibly leaked announcement from the Man Booker Prize coming Wednesday. But as if that weren’t enough in the literary longlist department, Canada is getting in on the action too.

Specifically, the Scotiabank Giller Prize, Canada’s preeminent literary award for fiction. Its 13-title longlist was announced Monday.

The winner of the Scotiabank Giller Prize gets $50,000 Canadian (about $48,000 American). The books may be novels or collections of short fiction by Canadian authors that are published in Canada; previous winners include Alice Munro, Michael Ondaatje and Margaret Atwood.


The books in the running for the 2013 Scotiabank Giller Prize are:

--Dennis Bock for his novel “Going Home Again” (HarperCollins Canada)

--Joseph Boyden for his novel “The Orenda” (Hamish Hamilton Canada)

-- Lynn Coady for her short-story collection “Hellgoing” (House of Anansi Press)

--Craig Davidson for his novel “Cataract City” (Doubleday Canada)

--Elisabeth De Mariaffi for her short-story collection “How to Get Along with Women” (Invisible Publishing)

--David Gilmour for his novel “Extraordinary” (Patrick Crean Editions)

--Wayne Grady for his novel “Emancipation Day” (Doubleday Canada)

--Louis Hamelin for his novel “October 1970,” translated by Wayne Grady (House of Anansi Press)

--Wayne Johnston for his novel “The Son of a Certain Woman” (Knopf Canada)

--Claire Messud for her novel “The Woman Upstairs” (Knopf Canada)

--Lisa Moore for her novel “Caught” (Anansi)

--Dan Vyleta for his novel “The Crooked Maid” (HarperCollins Canada)

--Michael Winter for his novel “Minister Without Portfolio” (Hamish Hamilton Canada)

The shortlist for the prize is to be announced Oct. 8 and the winner on Nov. 5.


The National Book Awards 2013: Poetry longlist


Man Booker Prize rumored to expand to include Americans

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