
Gigi Gorgeous’ ‘Transgender Journey’ was more than a literary exercise

Gigi Gorgeous talks about her book “He Said, She Said: Lessons, Stories, and Mistakes from My Transgender Journey” at the L.A. Times Festival of Books. 

Gigi Gorgeous may be a YouTube star and social media personality — nearly 8 million followers across her social platforms — but during her Times video interview at the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books to talk about her book, “He Said, She Said: Lessons, Stories, and Mistakes From My Transgender Journey,” she expanded on the difficulties that old-school media presents.

“It was so much different writing this book than just posting on Instagram or Twitter or Facebook or even making a YouTube video because it means so much to me that this is going to last forever in real life to people — not just online.”

The actress, model and LGBTQ icon went through “probably 50 different drafts” for her first book and talks a bit more in the video above about not only her writing, but what she learned about herself during the process.


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