
When a lender won’t even discuss a foreclosure notice

Jean and her husband have two mortgages on their home. They’ve also had some medical issues that have caused them to miss payments.

Now, Jean says, their lender is foreclosing on them and isn’t willing to work on a possible remedy.

She asks: How should she handle that?

ASK LAZ: Smart answers to consumer questions


First of all, if you’re being foreclosed upon, that means you’re at least 90 days behind on mortgage payments, and that’s a serious business.

It’s difficult to say why a lender won’t be flexible in dealing with a situation like this, especially when foreclosures are often more expensive than a refi or loan modification.

So what’s my advice? Check out today’s Ask Laz video for the answer.

If you have a consumer question, email me at [email protected] or contact me via Twitter @Davidlaz.

