“The Exorcist” on stage
Burke Dennings (Harry Groener), director of actress Chris MacNeil’s (Brooke Shields) latest, tries to help the possessed Regan MacNeil (Emily Yetter) in “The Exorcist” at Geffen Playhouse. (Anne Cusack / Los Angeles Times)
A cross hangs over the cast and stage. Director John Doyle knew they couldn’t re-create the film on stage and elected to use “very few tricks” in the production. (Anne Cusack / Los Angeles Times)
Richard Chamberlain portrays Father Merrin, the role inhabited by Max Von Sydow in William Friedkin’s 1973 film. If the play moves to Broadway, Malcolm McDowell will reportedly take over for Chamberlain. (Anne Cusack / Los Angeles Times)
Chris MacNeil (Brooke Shields) checks her daughter Regan (Emily Yetter) as Father Merrin (Richard Chamberlain) looks on. Neither actress has seen the film the whole way through. The play, from writer John Pielmeier, is based on William Peter Blatty’s original novel. (Anne Cusack / Los Angeles Times)
Regan MacNeil is played by 23-year-old Emily Yetter (seen with Richard Chamberlain) instead of an actual child because director John Doyle and playwright John Pielmeier said they did not want the audience to be distracted by a 10-year-old saying the things Regan says. (Anne Cusack / Los Angeles Times)
Chris MacNeil (Brooke Shields), right, confronts Carla (Roslyn Ruff) about a crucifix the latter gave to Regan (Emily Yetter). Father Merrin (Richard Chamberlain) looks on. (Anne Cusack / Los Angeles Times)
The demon takes over Regan MacNeil (Emily Yetter) in the presence of Father Merrin (Richard Chamberlain). (Anne Cusack / Los Angeles Times)