Topless Protest: Breasts Not Bombs
Tantra Benkso of San Francisco talks to the press on the west steps of the state capitol. She wore two political buttons taped over her nipples. (Robert Durell / LAT)
Sheryl Glaser of Albion, Calif., has a shirt put over her bare upper body after she was arrested by CHP officers at the state Capitol Monday. (Robert Durell / LAT)
Glaser was arrested after she bared her breasts as part of a war protest and anti-Schwarzenegger protest by the group Breasts Not Bombs. There were about 20 protesters, men and women, many of whom were partially bare-chested. (Robert Durell / LAT)
Glaser is handcuffed by CHP officers on the west steps of the state Capitol Monday. (Robert Durell / LAT)
Laramie Crockertt, left, and Wendi Olson, right, bare their chests on the west steps of the state capitol Monday. Olson, who had her nipples covered with taped-on pieces of felt, was not arrested. (Robert Durell / LAT)