
Kim Kardashian makes the front page. Say what?

A sorry day for news

Thank you for the huge top-of-the-front-page picture of Kim Kardashian in the Calendar section [“Nothing from Kim. Nothing. Say what?” Oct. 31] and for relegating the utterly meaningless story about LACMA to the lower left corner. It befits Los Angeles and its flagship newspaper to be primarily concerned about the real, significant contribution to the city’s culture (Kim) rather than that musty old museum that’s taking up space on Wilshire Boulevard. If you had simply posted the LACMA story online, you could have had even more pictures of Kim in the print edition.

Henry Hespenheide

Hermosa Beach


A huge picture of Kim Kardashian in the Calendar section, followed by an additional page; are you having great difficulties in filling the pages with news?

John Rosati

Simi Valley


Oh, L.A. Times, you are like a bad boyfriend. I support you, read you, care about you, and time and time again you let me down. No one deserves to be robbed at gunpoint, but maybe a small blurb would have been more appropriate? The article should have been titled “Nothing From Kim — So What?”


Liz Galloway

Los Feliz


Do you really think Calendar readers want to read this, or that Kardashian fans read your paper?

Carol Kline

Studio City

At odds over state of Ohio

Regarding “Fighting the Boss” [Oct. 30]. The steel workers in Youngstown who support Trump in the belief that only he can save their jobs and the steel industry in general sound to me both ignorant and pathetic. I’d respect them more if they were honest and just admitted that they’d rather vote for a blind horse than Hillary Clinton, which is pretty much what they’re doing anyway.

Bob Loza



As an Ohioan, born in Youngstown, I take issue with depicting Youngstown in such a negative light. Certainly after the steel mills closed, it was very tough. The people of the area however, are tougher and have rebounded in many ways. To classify Youngstown in such a dark manner is, in my opinion, shortsighted and inaccurate.


I would have appreciated a more balanced article espousing the positives in our area.

Anne Crogan Gardner

Boardman, Ohio

A fine salute to music legend

It’s easy to believe that Priscilla Presley does see Elvis coming down the stairs at Graceland [“Softer Side to King of Rock ’n’ Roll,” Oct. 28]. I visited his home in Memphis for the first time a few years ago, and I definitely felt the King was alive and well and that Priscilla and Lisa-Marie had done a wonderful tribute to the legend.

Ruth Kramer Ziony

Los Feliz

Radio couple helped light way

Thank you for this tribute to the Larmans. [“Roz Larman of ‘FolkScene’ an Indelible Force,” Oct. 27]. I’ve been a listener for a very long time. I’ll never forget their show and really missed Howard and felt for Roz, who just kept on going. Through them I was introduced to so many great folk and traditional artists. I remember meeting them at a local show and as soon as I saw them I thought “this must be Howard and Roz,” they looked just like they’d sounded on the radio.

Mike Greene

Rancho Palos Verdes


Your tribute to Roz Larman was appreciated. My music world expanded the first Sunday I listened to “FolkScene.” The calendar was a must each week, so you knew who was where and when. And the live studio interviews interspersed with music were the highlight. What was even more fun was having the opportunity to say hello at whatever acoustic music scene Roz and Howard attended that weekend. I wish I had done that more often.


They helped light a spark in a shy girl from Gardena, who embraced the folk world and to this day enjoys hearing her old faves and new musicians at various venues around L.A. So thank you for acknowledging the passing of a legend in live radio. Roz will be missed.

Deborah Schaeffer

Rancho Palos Verdes

More muscle for this superhero

I’m all for Wonder Woman visiting the U.N. [“Female Superhero has a Rich History in Pop Culture,” Oct. 27], but I do wish they had sent actress Gal Gadot, who plays Wonder Woman in the upcoming 2017 film, to a trainer. Wonder Woman is a superhero. She needs a bit of muscle in her shoulders and arms or else she just looks like a runway model in a costume.

Crista Videriksen Worthy

Hidden Springs, Idaho

Fond memories of a great actress

Thank you for your beautifully written tribute to the work of Joan Blondell [“Joan Blondell Gets Top Billing at Film Festival,” Oct. 30]. As a youngster, I loved her in films, and now I think it was because of the basic honesty she showed in portraying the gals of her day. She was indescribably wonderful at this.

Lorraine Garafalo

Huntington Beach
