
Front page: Los Angeles Times | Sunday, July 13, 2014

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Faithful flock to see statue of Santo Toribio, the immigrants' saint

Esmeralda Bermudez, whose reporting focuses on the lives of Latinos, writes that for believers, Santo Toribio Romo Gonzalez is their guardian, their lawyer, their smuggler. "Please, my mother needs a visa," is one request. Read the story

With U.S. encouragement, VA disability claims rise sharply

Alan Zarembo, projects and investigative reporter, writes, "More than 875,000 Afghanistan and Iraq war veterans have joined the disability rolls so far. That's 43% of those who served — a far higher percentage than for any previous U.S. conflict, including World War II and Vietnam." Read the story

Israel and Palestinians continue to trade strikes; 159 dead in Gaza

Batsheva Sobelman, special correspondent reporting from Jerusalem, and Henry Chu, staff writer based in London, write that despite an appeal from the U.N., Israel and Palestinians continue the strikes, with at least one mosque and a center for the disabled among the structures hit in the Gaza Strip. Read the story

DEA may be losing the war on marijuana politics

Evan Halper, who reports on policy issues out of Washington, D.C., writes that "the Drug Enforcement Administration has found itself under attack in Congress as it holds its ground against marijuana legalization while the resolve of longtime political allies rapidly fades." Read the story

Medical marijuana delivery services are on a roll

David Pierson, who reports on food and agriculture, writes, "The proliferation of delivery services is fueled in part by city efforts to reduce the number of dispensaries." However: "Many delivery services consist of nothing more than a lone driver carrying a tackle box filled with pot." Read the story
