
Dust-Up: China, sweet or sour?

All this week, New America Foundation senior fellow Andrés Martinez and Joseph Farah, founder and editor of, debate relations with China.

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    Is it possible to sustain hysterical economic growth and a one-party authoritarian state? What will China look like 20 years from now, and what should the U.S. do to help it get there?

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    What is the state of China’s military and foreign-policy competition, intent, readiness and posture vis-a-vis the United States and NATO?

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    Toxic toys! Poison pet food! Artificially underpriced goods! Chinese-held greenbacks! Are we killing ourselves, literally or metaphorically, with Chinese imports, or is it more that we’re shooting ourselves in the foot with paranoid protectionism?

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    Is China a threat that needs containment and rollback or an opportunity that needs engagement and even selective emulation? How much more or less should we (as a country and as individuals) be focusing on China? All this week, Andrés Martinez and Joseph Farah debate relations with China.
