
Hamdan vs. Hamdan

The name Hamdan might not trip off the English-speaking tongue, but it should ring a bell: The Supreme Court ruled in Guantanamo detainee Salim Ahmed Hamdan’s favor in June. Now Southern California has its own terror-detained Hamdan, Abdel Jabbar, released last week after more than two years in an immigration prison. Here’s how they compare. <strong>&#8212; Swati Pandey</strong>

Salim Ahmed Hamdan

Age: 36

Place of Birth: Yemen

Claim to Fame: Osama bin Laden's driver

Charge: Conspiracy to commit...offenses triable by military commission

Held in: Guantanamo Bay, Cuba

Prison Time: Nearly five years and counting

Alleged Mistreatment: Months in solitary, beatings, attempts to coerce a guilty plea

Release: Not yet

Still Faces: Gitmo and ongoing trials

Angry at the U.S. because: Repeated physical abuse

Happy with the U.S. because: His lawyer told the Times Hamdan was "humble, not jubilant, and very, very thankful" for the Supreme Court's declaration that military tribunals were unlawful.

Abdel Jabbar Hamdan

Age: 46

Place of Birth: Jordan

Claim to Fame: Fundraiser for Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development, linked to Hamas

Charge: Overstaying a student visa

Held in: Federal detention center in San Pedro

Prison Time: Over two years

Alleged Mistreatment: Physical abuse, neglect of medical problems

Release: July 31

Still Faces: Electronic monitoring and potential deportation

Angry at the U.S. because: The PATRIOT Act, which he called "a hate crime," according to the Associated Press

Happy with the U.S. because: He has "faith Americans will stand up for what is right," according to the Los Angeles Times
