
The Times endorsements cheat sheet to take with you to the polls

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    These are The Times’ recommendations for the Nov. 4 election.

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    Forty years have passed since Californians first elected as their governor a very young and quirkily charismatic Jerry Brown.

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    With seven candidates in the June primary race for Los Angeles County sheriff, there was little chance that any one of them would win more votes than the other six combined — the very high bar for taking the election outright and preventing a runoff.

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    California voters will see the names of three state Supreme Court justices and numerous Court of Appeal justices on their Nov. 4 ballots, a result of the state’s hybrid system for keeping politics to a minimum in the court system while still granting the people a measure of oversight of their judges.

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    Angered by rapidly rising premiums for automobile insurance, voters approved Proposition 103 in 1988 to give the state insurance commissioner the power to veto unreasonable rate hikes for auto policies.

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    Proposition 46 is a combination platter of healthcare-related proposals, each of which tries to accomplish something meaningful for California consumers.

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    Proposition 47 would do a great deal to stop the ongoing and unnecessary flow of Californians to prison for nonviolent and nonserious offenses and would, crucially, reduce the return flow of offenders from prison back to their neighborhoods in a condition — hardened by their experience, hampered by their felony records, unready for employment or education, likely mentally ill or addicted — that leaves them only too likely to offend again.

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    California voters have generally supported Indian gaming, which has served, among other things, as an economic lifeline for Native Americans living in poverty.
