
#TBT: Remember pagers?


If you were born during the rise of the beeper, there's a chance you might still remember the codes (If you're one of those millennial kids thinking "LOL, wuts a beeper?" see our chart circa 1997 below.)

Before the age of disappearing-photo messaging, #hashtagspeak and one-word chat apps, there was the humble pager.

What now seems like a primitive artifact had its cultural heyday in the '90s: Ice Cube and Method Man rapped about it. Even Beyonce had one and was thinking about throwing it at a bugaboo.

Like social messaging platforms today, pagers had their own language culture. Want to send a little love note to that special someone? Send 831*637. Is someone being basic to you? 843*705312 would pretty much have been the pager equivalent to "Bye Felicia."

Follow @loelebee and @kyleykim on Twitter.
