
Michelle King bio

Age: 54

Education: Palisades High School in L.A. Unified (1979); bachelor of science in biology, UCLA (1984); Pepperdine University; master of science in administration and preliminary administrative credential, Pepperdine (1992); professional administrative credential, National University (1999); doctorate in education, USC (in progress)

Career Highlights: science teacher (1984-94); principal, Hamilton High (2002-05); chief instructional officer, high schools (2007-08); regional administrator, Westside (2008-2010); senior deputy superintendent operations (2012-14); chief deputy superintendent (2014-15)

Hobbies: bowling; watching movies and Hollywood award shows; working out; walking

Required Reading: “Turning Research into Results” by Richard Edward Clark and Fred Estes; “Leadership from the Middle: A System Strategy” by Michael Fullan
