
Infographic: New LAUSD guidelines for minor offenses

The Los Angeles Unified School District is changing the way students are disciplined. School police will no longer issue citations for most campus fights, petty thefts and other minor offenses.

The action reflects growing research that treating minor offenses with police action does not necessarily make campuses safer, but often pushes struggling students to drop out and get in more serious trouble with the law.

Here are the specific guidelines for when students are disciplined at school, referred to community services or police are notified.

Full story: LAUSD to decriminalize student fights, petty thefts and minor offenses

Is it a first offense of: • Marijuana possession?• Alcohol possession?• Vandalism?• Fighting?YESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYES Has the situation been resolved?Has the situation been resolved?Does it legally require police notification?Are there campus practices that can resolve it?Is there an immediate threat to the school?Can the incident be resolved using the process at left?Does it qualify for an exception?SCHOOLINTERVENTIONREFER TO CITY OR COMMUNITY PROGRAMSCONTACT LASPDIs the student 12 years or younger?Can a cooling-off period or warning resolve the incident?Can the incident be resolved by involving parents?Would a student discussion group help?Is the violation:• Tobacco posses-sion?• Theft?Is the violation one of the following:• Tobacco possession• Theft (less than $50)• Trespassing• Marijuana possession• Fighting• Alcohol possession• Vandalism (less than $400)• BatteryIs this second or subsequent offense?Is the offense a battery?NOYESYESNONONONONONONONONONONONONONONOpopuppopup