
Letters: Tax cuts that cost taxpayers

Re “A tax system that targets workers,” Opinion, June 20

Bob Lord’s and Sam Pizzigati’s analysis should form the conclusion of any study of the effects of supply-side economic policy since the time of Ronald Reagan. The evidence is in: Tax cuts do not pay for themselves and they are a poor strategy for growing our economy. At the end of 2012, the deficit topped $1 trillion, and in March, the government began implementing $85 billion in spending cuts.

With regard to these cuts, Lord and Pizzigati omit a critical point: Back-door taxes in the form of fees have skyrocketed while the quality and quantity of public goods and services has plummeted.


We are sowing the seeds of a crisis instead of planting the seeds of progress. Pruning the deficit with spending cuts instead of paying more taxes is a Pyrrhic victory.

We must not forsake investment in education, science and the country today if we want to reap wealth tomorrow.

Kevin T. Freeman



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