
Letters: Hands off the Monterey Shale

Re “A crude energy puzzle,” April 7

Regarding all the happy talk about the oil trove trapped in the Monterey Shale formation, perhaps there really are billions of barrels in recoverable fossil fuel underneath California. But if we burn the stuff, where exactly should we put the carbon dioxide?

Last I heard, the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide was greater than 400 parts per million. This is a big science experiment because that is an increase from 270 parts per million before the widespread burning of fossil fuels began.


Of course, I do have a proposal: How about we put that carbon dioxide where the sun never shines? By that, I mean we should do the smart thing and leave it in the shale formation where it belongs.

Let’s go solar-electric and drive less too. We have a climate crisis.

Mike Bullock


The map accompanying this article showing the vast extent of the Monterey Shale formation is truly frightening.

Imagine the destruction that will accompany extracting oil from those areas that encompass the nation’s breadbasket, much of Los Angeles and our great coast. Think of the images of tar sand extraction in Canada; think of the recent mess in North Dakota and the myriad spills.


Some scientists say reports of the oil lying there are exaggerated. Hopefully this is true.

In the meantime, Californians need to demand a moratorium on fracking, and SB 1132 will do just that. It will expand the current study focused on the environmental and public health effects of fracking to include the economic costs and harms, effects on private property and land use, and risks to worker safety.

Let’s get the needed information before we create havoc in our state.

Alby Quinlan



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