
Letters: Obamacare is kryptonite now

Re “Is Obamacare too big to fail?,” Opinion, April 6

The effort to repeal the Affordable Care Act became fantasy with the first few sign-ups, hesitant and difficult as they were.

Like every sort of entitlement program, once you have any beneficiaries, getting rid of the program is political kryptonite. People continue to kick and scream about the law, about the website, about the cost of premiums, about the coverage, about finding doctors and more, but the only thing they will hate more is being told they have to start all over again with some new program. That is never going to happen.


If repeal is the GOP’s fall banner, it deserves the defeat it will get.

Jeffrey C. Briggs


Doyle McManus describes Obamacare sign-ups as “a significant political victory.” Although the president takes satisfaction in forcing millions of Americans to enroll by force of law under the threat of penalties if they do not, that is hardly a political or moral accomplishment.

Nothing is too big to fail, as has been proved repeatedly in recent years. Even if that were the case for Obamacare, the law is being changed frequently by arbitrary presidential decree. If every failure is defined away by changing the law, nothing of Obamacare will survive except the growth of government power.

Richard E. Ralston

Newport Beach

The writer is executive director of Americans for Free Choice in Medicine.

The news that less than 15% of American adults lack health insurance is testimony to what responsible legislation can accomplish.


Everyone wins: the newly insured individuals, insurance companies, healthcare providers and all others, as members of a more humane, healthier society.

Laurie Levin

Pacific Palisades


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