
Readers React: A helping hand on skid row

Re “The Resurrection’s challenge,” Opinion, April 20

Skid row soup-kitchen operator Jeff Dietrich’s writing is always confrontational, annoying and inspiring. This article was true to form, only more so.

I can’t believe Dietrich feels that he has to measure up to the risen Christ. His work may be a lot of things, and it ain’t easy. The description of the homeless man needing a bathroom in the early morning — whom Dietrich turned away, citing the fact that his facility wasn’t open yet and prior experiences letting the homeless use his bathroom — was poignantly real.


Maybe the Resurrection would be less frightening and challenging if it were seen as a process rather than a single event. The Resurrection is still happening; it’s ongoing.

The kingdom is still being built, right now, one cold morning at a time.

Loretta Krippner



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