
Readers React: #NeverTrump Republicans have an option in November: Hillary Clinton

To the editor: Am I the only person who cares more about America than any party? (“The Republican aristocracy is already bending its knee to King Trump,” Opinion, May 10)

After reading Jonah Goldberg’s column and listening to Republican strategists, I realize that their objection to nominating Donald Trump for president is based on the damage that he will do to the Republican Party and not to the U.S. or the world.

These otherwise intelligent people can’t seem to bring themselves to simply admit that, flawed as she is, Democrat Hillary Clinton is the only sane alternative in November.


Carl Godlewski, Venice


To the editor: It appears that Goldberg has just discovered that the only real interest held by Republican lawmakers is self-interest. Rather than openly admit that their new emperor in waiting has no clothes, they are happy to mount the saddle of the Trump horse and ride it to the demise of their own party and with it the country.

Evidently, none of them ever read or heard of “Profiles in Courage.”

Mike Harvey, Irvine

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