
Readers React: Child labor and slavery in the chocolate industry

To the editor: Thank you for making the public aware of the slavery issue that continues to be pervasive around the world, and that corporations and U.S. consumers are directly and indirectly supporting much of this abuse. (“Taking Thailand to task for high-seas slavery,” Editorial, June 23)

We all can make a difference by instead supporting companies that source their ingredients from small farms and cooperatives that choose not to use slave labor or children to harvest their crops.

An area that is often overlooked is the issue of child labor and slavery in the chocolate industry. When it comes to chocolate, the nonprofit Food Empowerment Project has a list of chocolate companies that it recommends, making it easier for consumers to buy chocolate that doesn’t come from areas where child labor and slavery are pervasive.


More organizations need to create such lists so consumers can make better food choices to create a more just and sustainable world.

Valerie Belt, Pacific Palisades
