
Readers React: There’s no such thing as a bad idea when it comes to solving California’s drought

To the editor: New, creative, out-of-the-box solutions are desperately needed regarding our drought, yet The Times’ editorial ridiculed a sincere suggestion put forth by Rep. Janice Hahn while supplying nothing of its own. (“North to Alaska for water?” Editorials, Oct. 9)

While her idea of bringing fresh water by tanker or barge into the ports of Los Angeles or Long Beach may or may not be practical, at least it may stimulate other new ideas and solutions. Stating, “It’s entertaining — but now let’s get back to discussing serious solutions,” is a cheap shot that accomplishes nothing but discouraging new thought.

Just think of the possible editorial at the time when a couple of brothers running a bicycle shop thought they could actually fly at Kitty Hawk.


Harvey Barkan, Studio City


To the editor: To this editorial, I can only say, “Amen.” Good for you.

Noel Park, Rancho Palos Verdes

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