
Opinion: Why is ‘Jumanji’s’ lead female character pictured in oddly revealing attire?

To the editor: When I glanced at the “Jumanji” cast photo with an article on the front page of the print Los Angeles Times’ Jan. 24 Business section, I was struck by the discrepancy in attire.

The four men appear to be dressed for exploring the jungle. Their jackets and long pants convey that either the weather is chilly or that they need skin protection against the vegetation.

Evidently the same is not true for the woman character, whose inappropriately scanty attire screamed to this reader, “Elements be damned, look at my body.”


Even for jungle adventures, it appears studios continue to sell movies by showing females in unrealistic attire.

Emilie Mason, San Diego


To the editor: The front page of the Jan. 24 Business section featured a photo from the film “Jumanji.” Five characters were shown, four men and one woman.

The male actors seemed dressed appropriately for the jungle, but there in the middle of the photo is a young woman dressed in short shorts, a low-cut crop top with her midriff showing and very short sleeves.


Does Hollywood not get it already?

Rebecca Chadwick, Costa Mesa

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