
Opinion: A fair tax system is one many Americans — the 1% and the poor — probably won’t like

President Trump speaks during a meeting on tax policy with business leaders at the White House on Oct. 31.
President Trump speaks during a meeting on tax policy with business leaders at the White House on Oct. 31.
(Evan Vucci / Associated Press)

To the editor: The tax overhaul proposals coming from Washington will not work because they favor the wealthy and corporations without doing much for the poor or middle class while increasing our national debt substantially. (“Republican rollout of tax plan is delayed as talks continue,” Oct. 31)

Here is what to do instead: End the corporate income tax. Institute a flat income tax of 15% for all earners (poor people too, so they have some skin in the game). End all deductions except for business expenses. Tax capital gains as we do ordinary income.

I believe in programs that help financially distressed people and protect the environment. My proposal would likely raise enough revenue for the government to continue performing both functions.


Steven Ross, New York


To the editor: A great idea is superior to a good idea. So, here is the greatest idea:

Reduce the corporate tax rate and make up the loss of revenue by eliminating the individual deduction of state and local taxes. Or maybe continue the deduction of property taxes but eliminate the deduction of state and local income taxes.

The second alternative is called a “compromise.” In either case, the corporations win and the individuals lose. Wonderful.

Louis Shepard, San Clemente


To the editor: There is another facet to the tax plans that may seriously affect California residents.

Each year, when my taxes are paid, and I do itemize, I allot my charitable contributions among the dozen or so groups that I care deeply about. If I can no longer deduct my state income tax and property tax, I will not be able to contribute to those charities.


I am sure I’m not alone in this.

Meg Quinn Coulter, Los Angeles

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