
Opinion: Trump can barely quote the Bible, but he excels at pandering to the religious right

Donald Trump gestures during a speech at Liberty University in Lynchburg, Va. on Jan. 18, 2016.
Donald Trump gestures during a speech at Liberty University in Lynchburg, Va. on Jan. 18, 2016.
(Steve Helber / Associated Press)

To the editor: President Trump is not nearly so messianic as he would have everyone believe, but he sure excels at being Machiavellian. (“Trump order on religion fits a pattern — action far more modest than his words,” May 4)

His shameless, incessant pandering to the religious right doesn’t cost him much political support; too many sensible, reflective voters would never consider backing him anyway. But by contriving a religion-friendly facade, Trump locks in the vital votes of devout working-class folks, the very ones who stand to lose the most from his mean-spirited measures that favor the rich.

Most religious conservatives, intent as they are on having their faith dominate American culture, prize governmental deference to pious conceits. Thus, so long as Trump keeps giving lip service to devout voters, they’ll remain amenable to making deals with the devil.


Greg Gilbert, Cool, Calif.


To the editor: What a sickening photo with this article of religious leaders who are smiling, applauding and shaking the hand of a man who is an enemy of the poor they purportedly protect.

Of course they are happy at the prospect of being able to spew their conservative ideas at their parishioners without losing their tax-exempt status, which means that the taxes I pay would consequently support political views I may find repellent.

My aunt, who was a nun with progressive ideas, would cringe if she were still alive.

Anneke Mendiola, Santa Ana

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