
Letters to the Editor: Republicans attacking Mark Milley now care about the Constitution? That’s rich

Army Gen. Mark Milley listens during a briefing with then-President Trump in 2019.
Army Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, listens during a briefing with then-President Trump at the White House in 2019.
(Associated Press)

To the editor: Fire Army Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff? I don’t think so. This man has more character, intelligence and courage than most. (“Gen. Milley did the wrong thing for honorable reasons. We need new rules for starting nuclear war,” Opinion, Sept. 16)

He did nothing wrong by assuring his Chinese counterpart at the end of the last administration that the U.S. would not attack, and of course he was put in this predicament by the unhinged former president. Does anyone think for a moment that Milley relished what he did?

Many of those demanding his resignation or dismissal are the same ones who stood by while then-President Trump shredded the Constitution and nearly succeeded in his coup attempt. History will record this honorable man did more to save the republic than the 98% of the Republicans in Washington who preferred getting their judges and tax cuts over protecting the republic from domestic enemies.


Mike Aguilar, Costa Mesa


To the editor: Years ago, my very wise boss told me this: “There’s a right way of doing things, and there’s a wrong way of doing things. Sometimes, the wrong way is the right way.”

Gen. Milley just proved that point.

Candace Carstensen, Los Angeles


To the editor: Gen. Milley’s action should immediately call to mind the name Vasily Arkhipov. On Oct. 27, 1962, during the Cuban Missile Crisis, in what historian Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr. called the “most dangerous moment in human history,” Archipov alone prevented a nuclear war.

All three senior officers aboard Soviet submarine B-59 needed to agree to deploy a nuclear torpedo. Two wanted to attack the U.S. naval vessels firing depth charges to bring the sub to the surface. Despite heat, high carbon dioxide levels and no communications, Arkhipov kept his head and said no, thus avoiding a certain nuclear exchange.


When the fate of millions is at stake, rigid dedication to the chain of command is the worst form of cowardice. Gen. Milley should receive, as Arkhipov did, the Future of Life Award for undertaking exceptional measures to safeguard humanity despite personal risk and the lack of an obvious reward.

Gary Stewart, Laguna Beach
