
Letters to the Editor: Oroville is now a ‘constitutional republic.’ Will it give up Social Security too?

Businesses in downtown Oroville.
Leaders of Oroville, Calif., declared their city a “constitutional republic.” Above, Montgomery Street in downtown Oroville.
(Hailey Branson-Potts / Los Angeles Times)

To the editor: The vice mayor of Oroville, Calif., got his town’s leaders to declare their city a “constitutional republic” as a reaction to the state vaccine mandate for eligible schoolchildren.

I know how he feels. When I was 7 years old, I threatened to run away from home to protest parental control. My mother’s reaction was, “OK, I will make you sandwiches,” so I stayed.

Yes, Orville, say you’ll run away, and we will “make you sandwiches.” Keep in mind, however, that the citizens of your independent republic can forget about Social Security, Medicare, infrastructure repairs, pandemic assistance, financial aid for college, protection against businesses that act against the public interest, and a host of other government benefits.


A long time ago, Abraham Lincoln was able to keep the United States intact by going to war. Since the 1860s, things have changed. The role of the federal government has fused states and cities into an integrated political unit by taking responsibility for the common good, including clean air, clean water, the prevention of global warming and protection against death from infection by a deadly virus.

So yes, Mr. Vice Mayor, run away. But keep in mind that instead of making sandwiches, Mother is going to take away a whole lot of other goodies.

Stephen Sloane, Lomita


To the editor: I hope the good citizens of Oroville know they’ll need a passport to come to California if they’re serious about declaring a “constitutional republic.”


Mary Rouse, Los Angeles
