
Football: If it’s Saturday morning, Crespi players are doing Countdowns

Celts believe it helps with recovery from Friday games

At the conclusion of Friday night’s 56-21 victory for Crespi over Sherman Oaks Notre Dame, I asked defensive lineman Brandon Lawless of Crespi if he was tired. After all, the Celts have a roster of just 30 players, most of whom are playing both ways.

“Do you know what we do on Saturdays?” was his response.

So there I was Saturday morning, and what I witnessed explained everything. Yes, the workouts are designed to get the soreness out, but pushing six 45-pound weights 20 yards up and down the field isn’t easy (they’re called Prowler drills). Then came 30 minutes of work in the weight room, followed by the Countdown drill, where sweat is everywhere as they do pushups and situps.

“It’s a psychotic fun thing to do,” an assistant coach said.

The Celts (6-1) continue to hold up pretty well, and Saturday mornings tell all.

