
Best hotels for relaxation or shopping? Expedia’s new way to search for your next luxury stay

Expedia launched a new online resource Thursday that identifies the world’s hotels not by their price or their star rating but by vacation experiences.

Collections, as it’s called, offers travelers six curated categories from which to choose a place to stay for their next trip: beach, relaxation, family fun, culture and history, shopping and snow

Expedia chose hotels based on “standards for experience, customer reviews and value,” according to a company news release.


Each Collections category recommends just 10 hotels for each destination.

Relaxation is dominated by places in the West. Of the 18 destinations, four are in California (Napa Valley, Palm Springs, Orange County, San Diego) and three are in Hawaii (Oahu, Maui and Honolulu). Las Vegas and Phoenix also make a showing.

Culture and History destinations, however, shift to places as diverse as the European cities of Barcelona, Paris, Dublin, Prague and Rome and the American cities of Santa Fe, N.M., and Charleston, S.C.

In the same category, Dublin’s best hotels include the vintage Clontarf Castle Hotel and the Shelbourne Dublin as well as the more contemporary brand-name Radisson Blu Royal Hotel.


Check out the rest of the selected hotels at Expedia Collections.

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