
San Diego’s Hyatt Regency Mission Bay Spa and Marina: How it rates

Los Angeles Times Staff Writer

How it rates * *

New and noteworthy: A $65-million renovation has added an eco spa, new pools and slides and pleasantly freshened room décor, landscaping and a restaurant-lounge.

The stay: A big, corporate hotel offers the latest resort must-haves for business and leisure travelers.

The scene: Mostly young families launching mini vacations, often to SeaWorld, from the hotel’s home base.


Deal maker: Great new slides at the renovated pool, nice bay views.

Deal breaker: You’ll be heading off-site for meals, entertainment and beach sports given the limited access and options at the hotel.

Stats: 1441 Quivira Road, San Diego; (619) 224-1234,

Rates: Rooms begin at $399, suites at $525.

Green touches: Pale. The hotel employs eco-conscious spa products, and an in-room notecard advises that linens may not be replaced daily.


Rating is based on the room, service, ambience and overall experience with price taken into account in relation to quality.

* * * * * Outstanding on every level

* * * * Excellent

* * * Very good

* * Good

* Satisfactory

No Star: Poor
