
Hospital Defends Its Commitment

We feel the article which appeared in the Long Beach section of the Los Angeles Times on Thursday, Oct. 24, did not accurately reflect statements made concerning our impressions, relationships and support of the Compton community. In fact, the city of Compton has just commended Dominguez Medical Center for our service to the Compton, North Long Beach and Lynwood communities over the past 23 years. Our new name indicates our strengthened commitment to the health and well-being of our neighborhood.

The staff, physicians and administration of Dominguez Medical Center are looking forward to welcoming more than 1,000 of our neighbors for a free health fair and career day from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 9. More than 15 national and local health organizations and universities will join us in providing health information services to our community.

We sincerely regret that The Times misrepresented our commitment to our community, but are pleased that our friendly relations have not been affected.




Dominguez Medical Center
