
A new legislative bill would identify anyone...

A new legislative bill would identify anyone in a California college on an athletic scholarship as a state employee, for worker’s compensation purposes.

State Sen. Joseph Montoya (D-Whittier) issued a statement saying he introduced the bill after hearing testimony by Ray Yasser, associate professor at the University of Tulsa School of Law.

Yasser is author of an article, “Are Scholarship Athletes at Big-Time Programs Really University Employees?--You Bet They Are,” published by the Black Law Journal. He testified last October at a hearing of the Senate’s Select Committee on Licensed and Designated Sports, which Montoya chairs.


Montoya quoted Yasser as saying that more and more college athletic programs, especially at Division I schools, are being marketed as products to sell and not as an activity in which the major purpose is to benefit the athlete with a good college education.
