
Need for Water in Beverly Hills

Your attention to the possibility of reopening Beverly Hills’ water wells is greatly appreciated (Westside, Nov. 6). The present policy of the city of Beverly Hills stands in stark contrast to the policy of the city of Santa Monica in this regard.

Beverly Hills employed one prominent consultant whose conclusions for Beverly Hills are diametrically opposite those of another prominent consultant engaged by the city of Santa Monica.

The basis for Santa Monica’s increasing its reliance on local ground water is largely because the city’s consultants and staff believe that it will be economically beneficial to the citizens there.


In Beverly Hills, the Mayor’s Advisory Committee on Water felt that such a discrepancy in conclusions was worthy of further study by a full City Council-appointed committee with assistance by staff and consultants.

We were gratified to see that the council did implement our other major recommendation to appoint a standing council oversight committee on water.

It is apparent that the city is in the process of determining its spending priorities. However, we believe that the Civic Center enlargement and supplemental funding for the schools should not overshadow the critical survival issue of having locally available water in the event of a major earthquake affecting the aqueducts serving this area.



Member, Mayor’s Advisory Committee on Water

Beverly Hills
