
Neighbors Say He Has Noisy Parties : S. Africans Complain About U.S. Envoy

From Reuters

Residents of a conservative white Pretoria suburb say their peace has been shattered by what they call endless noisy parties at the official residence of U.S. Ambassador Edward Perkins.

They say their weekends have been ruined by the parties and building work at the envoy’s spacious mansion in the plush Waterkloof Ridge area of the South African capital.

A spokeswoman for the residents, Janice Farquharson, said today they are considering taking legal action to stop the din.


Perkins arrived here last November as the first black U.S ambassador to South Africa. Black diplomats get special permission to live in suburbs zoned for whites despite the country’s apartheid race policies.

A U.S. spokeswoman said the embassy was trying to make sure there was no disturbance. She said embassy staff used facilities at the residence according to normal diplomatic practice.

The chairman of the suburb’s Ratepayers Assn., Piet Botbijl, complained about “very jolly, noisy parties” at Perkins’ house.


Farquharson said Perkins’ official residence had been converted into “what amounts to a country club.” She said the noise from the tennis court, pool and picnic area was “nerve-jarring and shattering,” particularly on weekends.

On one occasion, a U.S. Marine band blasted out Dixieland music for an entire Saturday, she said.
