Her Square Table Calls for a Cover-up
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Michele Hart of Hollywood has a 41-inch-square (without the leaf) contemporary oak dining table for which she can’t find a fitting tablecloth; the largest she has been able to locate measures 52x52 inches, which she believes doesn’t give enough overhang. Now she would like to find a tablecloth that is about 60 inches square. Can you help with the cover-up in Hart’s home, or will she discover that being square leaves something to be desired?
Kay Stefanovich of Desert Hot Springs is trying to obtain a synthetic 30-inch ponytail type of hairpiece that can be wrapped around the head like a chignon; the longest one she has been able to find measures only 20 inches. Can you help before Stefanovich feels like tearing her hair out, or is she heading for a fall because nobody believes her tale?
Reader-to Reader-Help Line: Mary Lou at (714) 980-6652 is looking for a discontinued Brown-Jordan glass-topped patio table or side table with wrought-iron legs of ivy-leaf design . Please do not table this request; instead leaf no iron unturned to help Mary Lou out. . . . For his 1972 Cadillac Eldorado convertible, Michael at (213) 470-1650 needs to replace a light-tan steering wheel ; if that is not possible, he wonders if anyone can restore the plastic steering wheel that is now on the car. Please set the wheels in motion without giving Michael a bum steer. . . . Hank at (213) 823-4438 needs the “Love Is” cassette tape that is a collection of vocals , including “It’s Gonna Take a Miracle,” by various artists. In the spirit of Christmas, make the miracle come true at Hank’s place. Caroline at (818) 762-7063 desperately needs bags for a General Electric Model C-3 roll-around vacuum cleaner ; that type, she claims, is no longer available in stores. Please make sure that the dirt problem in Caroline’s house is in the bag.
Note: The Reader-to-Reader Help Line is only for one-time items or for products no longer available in stores. And you must give us written permission to publish your telephone number, so that others may contact you directly.
For Regina Rogers of Cypress, who was looking for bib-style plastic aprons, we have a source or two. Not too far from Cypress, Bob Waterman of Bob Waterman Enterprises, 12771 Red Hill Ave., Tustin, Calif. 92680, says his firm makes many styles of aprons and raincoats by hand. And if Rogers is ever in West Los Angeles, she might check out Boulevard Hardware, 1424 Westwood Blvd., (213) 272-2237 (this from Hans Stern of Westwood).
Anitra Earle, who specializes in discontinued and difficult-to-find fragrances, has moved to Northern California. Among the lines she carries are Coriandre, Germaine Monteil, Shocking and Indiscreet. She also carries a number of men’s fragrances. Earle, who says she keeps requests for “lost” fragrances on file, can be contacted at The Perfumery!, 2163 Fulton Ave., Sacramento, Calif. 95825, (916) 482-3044.
For the many readers who were looking for no-run panty hose, we now have a direct-sale source. Ralph A. Caldwell says the product is Purr-Fit and comes in 41 styles and 10 colors, including sheer; prices start at $3.99. If you contact him at 27631 Paseo La Ronda, San Juan Capistrano, Calif. 92675, (714) 493-4398, he will tell you where the hose can be seen and ordered. (Purr-Fit products are not available in retail outlets.)
Herb Hain cannot answer mail personally but will, space permitting, respond in this column to readers who need--or have--helpful information. Write (do not telephone) to You Can Help!, You section, the Times, Times Mirror Square, Los Angeles 90053.